Thursday, May 13, 2010

Day 2 Much Better

Made it through a whole day of work! Visited the office cafeteria. Bought some clothes. The power went out five times.

Even better, photos! Check out my ride to work (just watch out for the vegetables... and the bicycles... and the chickens) and some random pics of my room, me in my bed (I look best blurry in this heat), and my two favorite things: the fan and (when it works) the A/C.

Shout out to Sri Lanka for beating India and making it to the cricket World Twenty semi-finals! Clearly we know who the superior brown people are.. I'm only joking. I'm against brown-on-brown hate.

Next up: England.


1 comment:

  1. I'm going to try my best not to hate you for having air conditioning. Also - we both flew Emirates and were apparently in Dubai one day apart! I concur on Emirates -- AMAZING and finally watched Glee!
